control signals

micro operations

logic micro operations

micro operations in computer architecture

Micro-operation & control signal

  • A Program is a set of Instructions.
  • An Instruction requires a set of small operations called Micro-Operations.
  • A Micro-Operation is a finite activity performed by the processor in one clock cycle. One clock
  • The cycle is also called one T-state (Transition state).
  • One Micro-Operation requires One T-state.
  • Several Independent Micro-Operations can be performed in the same T-state.
  • Control unit generates control signals to perform these very Micro-Operations.
  • To understand Control Units, we must first clearly understand Micro-Operations.

Micro-operation for instruction fetching

T1MAR ←PC PC puts address of the next instruction into MAR
T2MBR ←MemoryMBR gets instruction from memory through data bus
T3IR ←MBR PC←PC +1IR gets instruction from MBRPC gets incremented

Two micro-operations are possible, as seen in the table above. 

IR€ MBR and PC€ PC + 1 are in the same T condition.

This is due to the fact that they are wholly independent of one another.In reality, while the instruction is being executed, PC can also become PC + 1 in the 2nd T-state retrieved into MBR through the data bus from the memory.

Micro-operation for instruction fetching(Alternate method):

T1MAR ← PC PC puts address of the next instruction into MAR
T2MBR ←Memory

MBR gets instruction from memory through data bus
PC gets incremented
T3IR ←MBRIR gets instruction from MBR


  • There is no PC € PC + 1 in the first T-state.
  • This is so that the PC can supply the address on the address bus through MAR in the 1st T-state. The incremented address will be placed on the address bus if PC is incremented concurrently.

Micro- operation for immediate addressing mode:

E.g : MOV R1, 25H; R1 register gets the immediate value 25H

T1MAR ←PCPC puts address of the next instruction into MAR
T2MBR ← Memory (Instr)MBR gets instruction from memory through data bus

IR gets instruction “MOV RI, 25H” from MBR
PC gets incremented
T4R1 ←25H (IR)RI register gets the value 25H from IR

Micro-operation for register addressing register:

E.g: MOV R1, R2; R1 register gets the data from Register R2

T1MAR ← PCPC puts address of the next instruction into MAR
T2MBR ← Memory (Instr)MBR gets instruction from memory through data bus

PC ←PC +1
IR gets instruction “MOV RI, R2″ from MBR
PC gets incremented
T4R1←R2R1 register gets the value from R2 register 

Micro-operation for direct addressing mode:

E.g : MOV R1, [2000H]; R1 register gets the data from memory location 2000H

T1MAR←PCPC puts address of the next instruction into MAR
T2MBR←Memory (Instr) MBR gets instruction from memory through data bus


PC ←PC +1
IR gets instruction “MOV RI, [2000H] ” from MBR
PC gets incremented
T4MAR←IR (2000H)MAR gets the address 2000H from IR
T5MBR ←Memory ([2000H])MBR gets contents of location 2000H from Memory.
T6R1 ←MBR ([2000H])Register RI gets contents of memory location 2000H from MBR

Micro-operation for indirect addressing mode:

E.g: MOV R1, [R2]; R1 register gets the data from memory location pointed by R2

T1MAR € PC PC puts address of the next instruction into MAR
T2MBR←Memory (Instr) MBR gets instruction from memory through data bus

IR gets instruction “MOV R1, [R2]” from MBR
PC gets incremented
T4MAR ←R2MAR gets the address R2 Register
T5MBR ←Memory ([R2])MBR gets contents of location pointed by R2 from Memory.
T6R1 ← MBR ([R2]) Register R1 gets contents of memory location pointed by R2 from MBR

Micro-operation for indirect addressing mode:

E.g.: MOV [R2], R1; R1 register stores data into memory location pointed by R2

T1MAR ←PC PC puts address of the next instruction into MAR
T2MBR ←Memory (Instr) MBR gets instruction from memory through data bus

  IR gets instruction “MOV [R2], RI” from MBR
PC gets incremented
T4MAR ←R2MAR gets the address R2 Register
T5MBR ←R1RI puts data into MBR to store it in the memory location pointed by R2.

Micro-operations for implied addressing mode:

E.g.: STC; Set the Carry Flag; (CF € 1).

T1MAR ←PC PC puts address of the next instruction into MAR
T2MBR ←Memory (Instr) MBR gets instruction from memory through data bus

IR gets instruction “STC” from MBR
PC gets incremented
T4CF←1Carry Flag in the Flag Register becomes 1
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