GUI Application on Docker Container
Basically, docker has CLI ( Command Line Interface ), Sometimes we may need to make it GUI ( Graphical User Interface ). In this blog, stepwise commands are written to launch a GUI container on docker.
Step 1: Open the base OS which is RHEL 8 in our case
Step 2: open the terminal
Step 3: Using the command line
docker ps
Make sure that no other containers are running
In my case no container is running.
Step 4: While starting a new normal ( CLI ) container we use the following command
docker run -it --name nameofos centos:latest
But to launch GUI container we have to run separate command
docker run -it --net=host --env=DISPLAY --volume=$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/Xauthority centos
This command means
--net=host // It used the host network settings
--env=DISPLAY //Access the environmental variables for Display
--volume=$HOME………. // copying the graphic cookies and data to container to make the container suitable for GUI applications
As this container uses the host network , therefore there would be same IP of this GUI container and RHEL8 ( our base OS )
When the GUI container is launched there is not change in the root, to check whether the GUI container is launched or not we will use docker ps command
Now the GUI container is successfully launched, Install firefox using the command
yum install firefox
It starts downloading !!
It takes some time to install.
After installation type
To run the firefox , which is GUI
In my case, the firefox is opened.
GUI container successfully launched on docker.
Now lets open jupyter notebook in the container.
Firstly install python in the GUI container , using the following command
Yum install python3
And after that , install jupyter notebook
pip3 install jupyter –allow-root
And finally to open jupyter notebook click
Jupyter notebook –allow-root