INTERLEAVED MEMORY Combining smaller memory modules into a single, larger memory is known as Interleaved Memory. Memory is typically not implemented as a single huge module (chip) in computer systems.  Instead, it is created by memory interleaving a number of smaller modules together. Higher order and Lower order interleaving are two types of interleaving. HIGHER …



Paging in COA: Equal-sized blocks known as “Pages” are used to divide the virtual memory area. Equal-sized blocks known as Page Frames (also known as pages) are also used to split the Physical Memory space, also known as Main Memory. Virtual Memory pages are loaded into any free page frame in physical memory. For instance: Take …

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Micro Instructions

17. Typical Microprogrammed unit Advantages of microprogrammed unit 18. Micro Instructions Horizontal micro instructions  Vertical micro instructions Vertical micro instructions Vs Horizontal micro instructions 20. The Memory Hierarchy/ Hierarchy memory ( use both terms atleat 3 times ) Registers Primary Memory Secondary Memory Portable Secondary memory Cache Memory Memory Characterstics Location Storage capacity Transfer modes …

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Typical Microprogrammed unit

17. Typical Microprogrammed unit Advantages of microprogrammed unit 18. Micro Instructions Horizontal micro instructions  Vertical micro instructions Vertical micro instructions Vs Horizontal micro instructions 20. The Memory Hierarchy/ Hierarchy memory ( use both terms atleat 3 times ) Registers Primary Memory Secondary Memory Portable Secondary memory Cache Memory Memory Characterstics Location Storage capacity Transfer modes …

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Design Control Unit

Design Control Unit Hard wired control unit Delay Element method Sequence counter method Microprogrammed control unit Hardwired and microprogrammed control unit = 15th and 16th video, both combined ( less than 1.5hrs ) CONTROL UNIT DESIGN: HARDWIRED CONTROL UNIT: 1.STATE TABLE METHOD 1) This kind of hardwired control unit is the most fundamental. 2) A …

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control signals

control signals micro operations logic micro operations micro operations in computer architecture Micro-operation & control signal Micro-operation for instruction fetching STATE  MICRO-OPERATION EXPLANATION . T1 MAR ←PC  PC puts address of the next instruction into MAR T2 MBR ←Memory MBR gets instruction from memory through data bus T3 IR ←MBR PC←PC +1 IR gets instruction from …

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instruction cycle in computer architecture

instruction cycle instruction cycle in computer architecture what is instruction cycle Instruction cycle state Transition Diagram Instruction state transition diagram Steps in which the instruction is executed: 1) The PC provides the address to retrieve a memory instruction. 2) The instruction opcode is decoded after it has been fetched. 3) This indicates whether any operands …

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addressing modes in 8085

Addressing modes in 8085 Addressing modes in 8085. The way in which an operand is given to an instruction is known as addressing mode. Addressing modes do exist in every processor and microcontroller, however they vary little. There are various types of addressing modes in 8051, and important ones are immediate addressing mode, register addressing mode, direct addressing …

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pipelining in computer architecture

pipelining in computer architecture what is pipelining pipelining hazards / hazards of pipelining ( Use both words ) pipelining processing pipelining architecture pipelining stages Fast processors are always preferable because they accomplish the tasks within less time.But what makes a processor fast? Pipelining or also known as parallelism makes a processor faster. PIPELINING:Overlapping different stages …

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floating point addition

floating point addition floating point addition in computer architecture floating point alu floating point addition Ex: Addition of 4.0 and 2.0 floating point number     4   0 1 0 0  + 2   0 0 1 0  =  6   0 1 1 0 floating point alu Let two floating point number both will have …

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