ATtiny85 , introduced by Microchip is an 8-bit microcontroller having high performance. It has many good features in its small size. It is based on RISC CPU architecture. It is compact in size and has 8-kBytes of in-system programmable flash. Read more
GPIO stands for General Purpose Input/Output. To connect microcontrollers with various available devices, this simple standard interface is used i.e. GPIO. GPIO stands for General Purpose Input/Output. To connect microcontrollers with various available devices, this simple standard interface is used i.e. GPIO
Timers are peripherals in the microcontroller. This can generate very accurate time delays using microcontrollers. It can perform various other functionalities like functions as counter, PWM generation, capture external incoming signals, etc. Read more
Like Timers, counters are also peripherals in microcontrollers. As the name suggests,attiny85 counters are used to count external or internal clock pulses. Such pulses/events that are counted are stored in certain registers which can then be further processed and retrieved. As the timer module in ATtiny85 is 8-bit, the counter can count up to 256. Read more>>
SPI communication is known as Serial Peripheral Interface. SPI is a form of Serial Communication that uses three pins to transfer data. Serial communication provides a means to communicate with external hardware devices. In SPI communication the connected devices act as master and slave in order to establish a connection and carry out the transfer of data. Read more>>
Attiny85 can be used to generate different kind of waveforms such as triangular waveform, square waveform. Click here to read more>>