SQL - Structured Query Language

Database management is a process to store the data, retrieve the data, and perform the manipulations on the data with proper security. Traditionally data is stored in the file formats, but it is hard to obtain the data from the file and to perform the operations. Read More…

Data abstraction shows how the data is stored from the low-level to the high-level. In this data abstraction three levels are there:  Read More…

There are many keys associated with database management. Out of that, the most important and necessary keys are discussed in this tutorial Read More…

If we consider the two sets A&B. The entity in A associated with at most one entity in B and in the same way, one entity in B is associated with the at most one entity in A.. Read More…

Relational calculus is a non-procedural query language. It is of two types tuple relational calculus and domain relational calculus. Read More…

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. In the previous tutorials, we have discussed about the database with different operations and their properties.. Read More…

For any database, the basic element to be constructed and defined are the tables. In RDBMS the connection among the various tables, using the relations will completely define a database.. Read More >>>

Insert command is used to add the rows in the tables. It is the most common command used after the SELECT command. Insert command can be useful to fill the data in the tables accordingly.. Read More>>>

The update command is generally used to modify the data in the rows of a table. It can update the data in the specific rows of a table or all the rows of a table..   Read More>>>

This wildcard filtering is only possible for the data types of type string. The LIKE operator can be used in combination with the WHERE and SELECT commands. Read more>>

In the previous tutorials, we have seen the LIKE operator. We can filter the data in certain columns using the LIKE operator. In this tutorial, we shall look into the GROUP BY in SQL to group the data. Read more>>

In the previous tutorial, we have discussed the GROUP BY in SQL and filtering of the data by sorting them. Similar to that we shall discuss, WHERE clause in SQL in combination with the other operators. Read more>>

The most useful operation in SQL is joining the two different tables with different data retrievals on the one go. SQL joins are the most important operations that one can perform on different tables using … Read more>>

The simple definition of the join is to combine the rows of the different tables and display them.

The self-joins can replace the subqueries, Read more>>

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