WHERE Clause in SQL

In the previous tutorial, we have discussed the GROUP BY in SQL and filtering of the data by sorting them. Similar to that we shall discuss, WHERE clause in SQL in combination with the other operators. So, we shall get to know the few operators in this tutorial, which are very useful to filter the data and obtain the output accordingly.

Using the AND Operator

AND operator will append the conditions with the WHERE clause, to filter the data by more than one column. AND is a keyword, which is used with the WHERE clauses such that rows matching the given conditions are being retrieved.


SELECT prod_id, prod_price, prod_name

FROM Products

WHERE vend_id = ‘DLL01’ AND prod_price <= 4;


prod_id    prod_price    prod_name

——-    ———-    ——————–

BNBG02     3.4900        Bird bean bag toy

BNBG01     3.4900        Fish bean bag toy

BNBG03     3.4900        Rabbit bean bag toy

The above example can be clearly evaluated as that it will retrieve the specific attributes from the table with the mentioned vendor id and the product price less than 4.

Using the OR Operator

The OR operators act completely opposite to that of the AND operator. Unlike AND operator the OR operator will retrieve the rows that match either condition. In many cases, the DBMS do not even evaluate the second condition of the WHERE OR clause if the first one is satisfied. If the first condition is met, the respective row is retrieved, without the involvement of the second condition.


SELECT prod_name, prod_price

FROM Products

WHERE vend_id = ‘DLL01’ OR vend_id = ‘BRS01’;


prod_name              prod_price

——————-    ———-

Fish bean bag toy      3.4900

Bird bean bag toy      3.4900

Rabbit bean bag toy    3.4900

8 inch teddy bear      5.9900

12 inch teddy bear     8.9900

18 inch teddy bear     11.9900

Raggedy Ann            4.9900

The above SQL command will retrieve the product name and price form the respective table, by either of the two vendors, whose id is specified. The OR operator will insist the DBMS to match either of the vendor id but not the both. Here, in this case, the AND operator will not return any rows, because there might not be any rows in common for both the vendor id.

Using the IN Operator

 The IN operator contains a range of conditions out of which one can be matched. The IN operator syntax contain the parentheses and the range of conditions with each separated by the comma. 


SELECT prod_name, prod_price

FROM Products

WHERE vend_id  IN (‘DLL01′,’BRS01’)

ORDER BY prod_name;


prod_name              prod_price

——————-    ———-

12 inch teddy bear     8.9900

18 inch teddy bear     11.9900

8 inch teddy bear      5.9900

Bird bean bag toy      3.4900

Fish bean bag toy      3.4900

Rabbit bean bag toy    3.4900

Raggedy Ann            4.9900

Here the IN operator acts similar to that of the OR operator, but if there are a list of conditions to be evaluated it is better to use the IN operator compared to OR operator.

Using the NOT Operator

The NOT operator used in the WHERE clause, will negate the condition whatever comes to next of it. Unlike other operators NOT is used just before the column to perform the data filtering.


SELECT prod_name

FROM Products

WHERE NOT vend_id  = ‘DLL01’

ORDER BY prod_name;




12 inch teddy bear

18 inch teddy bear

8 inch teddy bear

King doll

Queen doll

In this example, the products sold by all the vendors are shown, except that of the vendor with the mentioned id.

This is the end of the tutorial about the advanced data filtering operators and the examples of WHERE clause in SQL with the different operators. For any sort of doubts or the questions in this tutorial, you can reach out through the comment box.

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