LIKE Operator in SQL

In the previous tutorials, we have seen the basic operators that play a key role in the SQL databases. Now, we shall discuss LIKE operator in SQL. LIKE operator is a wildcard useful for filtering of the data. The LIKE operator instructs the database to compare the characters that match with some part of the data.

This wildcard filtering is only possible for the data types of type string. The LIKE operator can be used in combination with the WHERE and SELECT commands.

Syntax of LIKE Operator

SELECT col1, co12…… col3
FROM table_name
WHERE col1 LIKE ‘string’

The basic syntax of the LIKE operator will be similar to the above one. But, the LIKE operator can be written is multiple formats to filter the data in an effective manner.

The Percentage Sign (%) Wildcard

Percentage wildcard is frequently used to obtain the data similar to the particular word. This wildcard is useful to obtain the occurrences of all the matches in the data.


SELECT prod_id, prod_name

FROM Products

WHERE prod_name LIKE ‘Fish%’;


prod_id    prod_name

——-    ——————

BNBG01     Fish bean bag toy

Similar to the above case, to match the data on both sides for a particular word, then we have to define in the following way.


SELECT prod_id, prod_name

FROM Products

WHERE prod_name LIKE ‘%bean bag%’;


prod_id     prod_name

——–    ——————–

BNBG01      Fish bean bag toy

BNBG02      Bird bean bag toy

BNBG03      Rabbit bean bag toy

The percentage wildcard can also be used over a particular word to obtain similar data relative to either side of the word.


SELECT prod_name

FROM Products

WHERE prod_name LIKE ‘F%y’;

The output sometimes might end up with the zero similarities, that shows there is no match with the data in the database.

The Underscore(_) Wildcard

The other most useful wildcard is the underscore wildcard. This performs the filtering similar to the percentage sign, but only matches one character instead of multiple.

Let us look into the example to better understand it.


SELECT prod_id, prod_name

FROM Products

WHERE prod_name LIKE ‘__ inch teddy bear’;


prod_id     prod_name

——–    ——————–

BNBG02      12 inch teddy bear

BNBG03      18 inch teddy bear

Now, we shall perform the above example matching using the %wildcard and look into the clear conclusions about underscore wildcard.


SELECT prod_id, prod_name

FROM Products

WHERE prod_name LIKE ‘% inch teddy bear’;


prod_id     prod_name

——–    ——————–

BNBG01      8 inch teddy bear

BNBG02      12 inch teddy bear

BNBG03      18 inch teddy bear

The % wildcard matches all the characters with zero to the maximum similarities as possible. But the _ wildcard will match only one character, not more or less. In the above example using the _wildcard, two search patterns are used, which matches the characters with two letters.

The Brackets([]) Wildcard

This wildcard contains the set of characters and matches the characters in the specified position. Unlike the previous wildcards, some databases cannot support to work with the bracket wildcard.

For example, if you want to find the data whose name matches with the letter J or M you can use the bracket wildcard in the following way.


SELECT cust_contact

FROM Customers

WHERE cust_contact LIKE ‘[JM]%’

ORDER BY cust_contact;




Jim Jones

John Smith

Michelle Green

Now, similarly, you can get the list of the data except the names that start with the letters J and M, as described in the below example.


SELECT cust_contact

FROM Customers

WHERE cust_contact LIKE ‘[^JM]%’

ORDER BY cust_contact;

This is all the end of the LIKE operator in SQL. For any sort of doubts or the questions in this tutorial, you can reach out through the comment box. 

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