Raspberry Pi Zero
Raspberry Pi Zero
FLEX SENSOR What is a flex sensor? It is very simple to understand by its name. The name indicates that the sensor is flexible and able to sense changes by the change in its flexibility i.e., bending. A flex sensor will give values according to its bending angle and bending length and it …
SMART DUSTBIN What is an smart Dustbin? Simply a smart dustbin is a modern dustbin that opens up when you want to use the dustbin and notifies us when it is filled.Now a day’s man needs everything to be automated and simple to do work. This idea will also help in leading a modern life. …
RFID LOCKING SYSTEM “Oh! Such a big line RFID LOCKING SYSTEM. Is there any type of solution to deliver the goods faster with security” Have you ever wished it? The answer would be “Yes!” So! Here is RFID Technology – Radio Frequency Identification Technology. As the name defines it identifies radio frequencies. Let me tell …
PIR Sensor motion PIR in PIR Sensor stands for a passive infrared sensor it is used to detect the motion of an object, person, or any other thing. PIR SENSOR is mainly used in the place where there is a need for detection of motion like in smart dustbin, the sensor just tells the controller …
GAS SENSOR Hello geeks in this article I am going to share information about the various gas sensor and also their working principle. There are very interesting phenomena in the working of gas sensor I will share that information with some illustrations in this article. First of all, we get a doubt about what is …
Color sensor Hello, geeks, We are back with a new interesting article on the color sensor (TCS3200) and also its working principle. It has a very interesting phenomenon in the working of color sensor I will share that information with some illustrations in this article. First of all, we get a doubt about what is …
STEPPER MOTOR Construction: Stepper Motor is a brushless DC electric motor that is a positioning device. It does not provide continuous rotation instead of rotates in steps that are, one complete rotation is divided into many steps. That’s why the name stepper motor. It is capable of rotating in steps with the applied train of …
MOTOR DRIVER INTERFACING WITH ARDUINO A motor driver is an electronic component that uses the principle of H-bridge to control the output voltage and the direction of rotation of the motor. An L298N (motor driver) consists of four output pins, four input pins, three power pins and two pairs of enabling pins as shown in …
IR SENSOR INTERFACING WITH ARDUINO UNO IR sensor is an electronic component that is used to sense certain characteristics of its surroundings. It does this by either emitting or detecting infrared radiation. Infrared sensors are also capable of measuring the heat being emitted by an object and motion detection. IR sensor interfacing with arduino UNO …