HUMIDITY SENSOR The humidity sensor is also called a hygrometer that senses, measures and gives us reports about both moisture and temperature of the air. Humidity sensor work by detecting changes that alter electrical currents or temperature within the air surrounded by us. The ratio of moisture in the air to the highest amount of moisture at a particular air temperature is called relative humidity. Relative humidity becomes an important factor when looking for comfort. There are three basic types of humidity sensors: CapacitiveResistiveThermal A capacitive humidity sensor measures relative humidity with the help of a thin strip of metal oxide between two electrodes. The metal oxide’s electrical capacity changes with the atmosphere’s relative humidity. The major application areas are Weather, commercial and industries. The capacitive type sensors are linear type and can measure relative humidity from 0% to 100%. Resistive humidity sensors utilize ions in salts to measure the electrical impedance of the atoms. As humidity changes, the resistance of the electrodes on either side of the salt medium changes. Two thermal sensors conduct electricity based upon the humidity present in the surrounding air. One sensor is enclosed in dry nitrogen while the other measures ambient air. The difference between the two sensors measures the humidity.  Each humidity sensor mentioned above has its own pros and cons.  In this, we are using DHT11 which is a capacitive humidity sensor. The DHT11 is available at low-cost, It is very convenient to use and consists of the capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air and gives out a digital signal on the data pins(no analog input pins is needed). Humidity measurement in industries is critical because it may affect the business cost of the product and the health and safety of the personnel. So, its huge importance of humidity sensor, especially in the control systems for industrial processes like chemical gas purification, dryers, ovens, film desiccation, paper and textile production, and food processing. In agriculture, measurement of humidity is important for plantation protection (greenhouse), soil moisture monitoring, etc. WORKING OF DHT11 As I told you before, it consists of a humidity sensing component, an NTC temperature sensor (or thermistor) and an IC on the backside of the sensor.  The humidity sensing component has two electrodes containing moisture holding substrate between them. When the humidity changes, the conductivity of the substrate changes so the resistance between these two electrodes changes. This change in resistance is measured and processed by the IC thus humidity is measured. We use the NTC temperature sensor (thermistor) to measure the temperature of the air.NTC means negative-temperature-coefficient. As the temperature increases, the resistance decreases or vice-versa. SPECIFICATIONS OF DHT11         Pin Description VCC 3.3/5V DC SUPPLY (INPUT) GND GROUND( INPUT) DOUT DATA PIN (OUTPUT) NC NO CONNECTION PIN Operating Voltage :   3.5V to 5.5V                                                                                                Operating current     :   0.3mA (measuring) 60uA (standby)                                                                      Output                      :   Serial data                                                                                                  Temperature Range  :   0°C to 50°C                                                                                                Humidity Range       :   20% to 90%                                                                                                 Resolution                :   Temperature and Humidity both are 16-bit                                                    Accuracy                  :   ±1°C and ±1% CONNECTING DHT-11 WITH ARDUINO UNO The connection of Arduino-Uno with humidity sensor(DHT 11) is done as follows: Connect the ground of Arduino-Uno with the ground of the DHT-11 sensor(It is indicated by black wire in the fig.3.) Connect the 5v pin of Arduino-Uno to the VCC of DHT-11(It is indicated by red wire in the fig.3.) Connect any one of the digital pins of Arduino-Uno with the data pin(DOUT) of DHT-11 to read values from the humidity sensor. (It is indicated by blue wire in the fig.3.) SOURCE CODE FOR INTERFACING ARDUINO-UNO WITH DHT-11 Once we upload this code into the Arduino board, the temperature and humidity values are read from the sensor and we can see it on the serial monitor. CONCLUSION                   The above-discussed information is all about interfacing Arduino with the DHT-11 sensor to monitor the humidity and temperature of the air. The basic information about the humidity sensors is also discussed.


FLEX SENSOR What is a flex sensor? It is very simple to understand by its name. The name indicates that the sensor is flexible and able to sense changes by the change in its flexibility i.e., bending.           A flex sensor will give values according to its bending angle and bending length  and it is made up of some flexible material. Why we need a flex sensor? Flex sensor has great applications in our day to day life. It comes into the application when you need a sensor where you want to check the angle deviation, straightness, etc. This feature will help us to get some unbelievable outputs that can be used for angular displacement measurement and in making VR games and in some musical instruments. It can be used in constructing a glove that simulates in controlling a game with our hand gestures and it will be of great fun. Physical looks of sensor It is a long 2 to the 4-inch flexible sheet with 1cm width and 3mm thickness. It contains a conductor wire in it. It is two terminal devices one is treated as ground and another one as a signal. The signal pin gives analog input to the microcontroller. Both the pins are not specified as it is a kind of resistor and resistor is a bilinear element. Electrical specifications -Flat Resistance: 25K Ohms -Resistance Tolerance: ±30% -Bend Resistance Range: 45K to 125K Ohms  (depending on bend radius) -Power Rating: 0.50 Watts continuous. 1 Watt Peak Mechanical specifications -Life Cycle: >1 million -Height: 0.43mm (0.017″) -Temperature Range: -35°C to +80°C Working with a flex sensor? Flex sensor can be simply understood as a variable resistor that changes the output voltage based on the bending of the sensor. Basic circuit diagram It can be easily explained by its circuit diagram it is an impedance buffer and it is a single-sided operational amplifier. The outward voltage is controlled by the bending of the sensor and the Vout acts as an analog input for the microcontroller we use. It can be easily understood by the below figure. Applications   Robotics Gaming (Virtual Motion) Medical Devices  Computer Peripherals   I hope you understood the working and applications of the flex sensor from this article. Next, I will be back with one more interesting module.   The comment box below is always open for you.

Smart dustbin

SMART DUSTBIN What is an smart Dustbin? Simply a smart dustbin is a modern dustbin that opens up when you want to use the dustbin and notifies us when it is filled.Now a day’s man needs everything to be automated and simple to do work. This idea will also help in leading a modern life. This will help in the waste management in the apartments, institutions, offices and many more organizations. From one place we can monitor the amount of waste in all the dustbins from a single place which in turn helps in handling the waste easily. How to make a smart Dustbin? Components required: Software components: 1. Arduino IDE 2. Blynk mobile app Hardware components: 1.Node MCU 2. Ultrasonic sensor – 2 no 3. Connecting wires 4. Battery – 9v 5. Dustbin How to build the circuit? Follow the below circuit diagram and connect the sensors to the nodemcu. The circuit can be built as per the users need because there may be the usage of different batteries and it is not necessary to have a breadboard you can make the wires short and connect them. Why the circuit is built in this way? Here two ultrasonic sensors are used one is to measure the waste content in the dustbin and the other one is to find the need to open dustbin lid or not. The need for using the nodemcu here is to send the notification to the smartphone about the amount of waste in the dustbin. The below illustrations help to understand more to you. Illustration of smart dustbin Figure 1 indicates lid is closed as there is no one in front of the sensor. Figure 2 indicates lid is open as the distance is less in front of the dustbin. Fig 3 is Dustbin fill up to 25% Fig 4 is Dustbin fill up to 50% Fig 5 is Dustbin fill up to 75% and the lid is open indicating to empty the bin. Working:          The working of a smart Dustbin is so simple. The Dust bin will identify the amount of waste present in the dustbin by measuring the distance of waste from the top and indicate to us using the Blynk app which is connected over wifi via the Blynk server. The lid of the dust bin opens up by the action of the servo when there is a person in front using an ultrasonic sensor but this can be done by an IR sensor also to minimize the cost. The lid of the dustbin closes automatically after 10 seconds as programmed. Thus it helps in adding little more automation in our life. Let’s set up the Blynk app for this project: Firstly let us create a new project as indicated Let us add a dustbin waste level indicator as shown below Set the pin as virtual and as V2 as per the code below. Then let us add a led on the screen to indicate whether the bin is full or not as shown below: We attach the led to the V6 pin according to the code. Enter the authentication code received in your mail while creating the new project. Here we are assuming that you already know the basics of the Blynk app else visit our previous articles for details on creating an authentication code. Now dump the code into the nodemcu and build the dust bin as shown in the above illustration. How does the output screen look? The output screen looks like as below                                                                                    Fig a                                                           Fig b Fig a: When dustbin is filled below 75% Fig b: When the dustbin is filled above 75% the bulb glows as an indication to empty the bin. Where it can be used? Household purposes Offices Institutions etc. Conclusion:          We can say that the dustbin with little automation can be useful to the modern man stepping into the age of automation and artificial intelligence. Code: Also check:Arduino projects

RFID Locking System

RFID LOCKING SYSTEM “Oh! Such a big line RFID LOCKING SYSTEM. Is there any type of solution to deliver the goods faster with security” Have you ever wished it? The answer would be “Yes!”  So! Here is RFID Technology – Radio Frequency Identification Technology. As the name defines it identifies radio frequencies. Let me tell you  What it is? What does it do? Can we do it? If yes how! Applications! Why this? And all regarding. RFID locking system It is a wireless communication system, where an object, animal or person is identified. It means using electromagnetic or electrostatic coupling the objects are identified but only in the radio frequency portion. Basing on this technology locking system is developed.  First, let us discuss this choice:  1. These do not require a direct line of sight to read.  2. We usually store data in a tag to identify the objects. In barcodes i.e. which are presently used for scanning in identification, data is read-only whereas in RFID tags we can update that data in real-time.  3.RFID tags require a power source. In contrast barcodes, themselves require the technology for reading the barcode to have a power source. How does RFID work?         This is the block diagram of the working. The generator in the Reader or Interrogator generates the waves. And if the tag or transponder (tag is attached to the object which is to be detected) is in the area of generated waves then the receiver in the tag receives the waves and controls the machine and send the feedback, there is also a part for memory in this tag which stores the data for identification. The Antenna is used to transfer the information. The locking system is one of the applications of RFID. Here locking and unlocking of doors are done using the RFID technology. Before people in hotels and companies used magnetic strip locks but then because of the advantages of RFID lock systems the popularity of this has increased.  When you have your card and you are a certain distance from the lock, it is at this point that the key card, the lock, and the computer system will exchange the required data, and you will be given access, provided the data is matching. How to do? Sounds interesting right! Why don’t you try to do it? let’s see how. Materials required Arduino UNO board RFID combo -1 Jumpers (Male to Male & Male to Female) – 1 9V battery(with adapter)– 1 Servo – 1 Procedure Step1: Dump the code into the Arduino. Before dumping the code check the UID of the tag and go on. To check the UID open the serial monitor and put the tag on the reader the UID of the tag will be displayed, paste that UID in the program and then dump the code. NOTE: Check whether the access is denied if we put a different tag in front of the reader. #include <SPI.h> #include <MFRC522.h> #include <Servo.h> #define SS_PIN 10 #define RST_PIN 9 #define SERVO_PIN 3 Servo myservo; #define ACCESS_DELAY 2000 #define DENIED_DELAY 1000 MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN);   // Create MFRC522 instance. void setup()  {          Serial.begin(9600);   // Initiate a serial communication          SPI.begin();          // Initiate  SPI bus          mfrc522.PCD_Init();   // Initiate MFRC522          myservo.attach(SERVO_PIN);          myservo.write( 70 );          delay(7500);          myservo.write( 0 );          Serial.println(“Put your card to the reader…”);          Serial.println(); } void loop()  {          // Look for new cards          if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent())                       {                                  return;                      }          // Select one of the cards          if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial())                       {                                  return;                      }          //Show UID on serial monitor          Serial.print(“UID tag :”);          String content= “”;          byte letter;          for (byte i = 0; i < mfrc522.uid.size; i++)                       {                                  Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? ” 0″ : ” “);                                  Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i], HEX);                                  content.concat(String(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? ” 0″ : ” “));                                  content.concat(String(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i], HEX));                      }          Serial.println();          Serial.print(“Message : “);          content.toUpperCase();          if (content.substring(1) == “___________”) //change here the UID of the card                      {                                  Serial.println(“Authorized access”);                                  Serial.println();                                  myservo.write( 70 );                                  delay(7500);                                  myservo.write( 0 );                      }          else                        {                                  Serial.println(” Access denied”);                                     delay(DENIED_DELAY);                      } } Step2: Collect all the required things and connect them as shown in the diagram. Step 3: Now fix these components on the door which you want to lock and unlock using RFID technology by placing RFID reader outside and the rest of the components inside the room i.e., to the side on which you scan to place the RFID reader and the others on the other side of the door.   Step 4: Now try unlocking the door from outside by scanning the tag. And if you want to get outside the room press reset on the Arduino and the door opens for 7 seconds and then automatically gets closed. Conclusion The RFID locking system is an efficient locking system that does not require a direct line of sight unlike barcodes and compared to magnetic cards RFID tags work better. But if you forget your tag inside the room and the room is locked then it will surely be a problem. Although there are some issues like cost is high and multiple tags can be accessed at a time coz there need not be a direct line of sight – Tag collision, RFID technology is more secured and reduces labor costs.

PIR Sensor motion

PIR Sensor motion PIR in PIR Sensor stands for a passive infrared sensor it is used to detect the motion of an object, person, or any other thing. PIR SENSOR is mainly used in the place where there is a need for detection of motion like in smart dustbin, the sensor just tells the controller that there is an object and that lets the dustbin door open. A PIR sensor looks like below which is interfaced with an opensource board like Arduino, raspberry pi and many more  It is a passive component that consists of a pyroelectric sensor that detects the heat changes around it and gives a high value as an output.  This is how a PIR sensor look like       Actually, under the white plastic dome-shaped material there is a pyroelectric sensor. This white cap is called frensal glass that converges all the rays towards the center where the pyroelectric sensor is present. Let us discuss each part briefly one by one with their use and need below Pyroelectric sensor The pyroelectric sensor is a sensor which gives us a high value when it detects any infrared radiation in its area. As we know that everybody emits infrared rays even we human beings also emit some infrared waves though they are not that strong. These rays are enough for a pyroelectric sensor to give an output. A pyroelectric sensor looks like below Now then it is mounted by a fresnel glass. Frensal glass The main aim of this frensal glass is to converge all the infrared radiations to the pyroelectric sensor present in the middle. The dome is designed in such a way that all the rays converge at a point that gives the user accurate output. Now let’s discuss the other important parts of it Vcc The Vcc pin provides power supply to the sensor it ranges from 3 to 5 volts as the sensor works at an operating voltage of 3v there is a step-down transformer to convert 5v supply to 3v. Ground It consists of a general ground pin to complete the circuit which is connected to the ground pin in the Arduino board. Data pin in PIR Sensor Data pin gives the output which acts as input to the Arduino board it gives only two values high or low high indicates there is a change or motion detected and low indicates there is no motion change. There are two potentiometers present near the end Potentiometer.1 Delay time adjust Delay time adjust potentiometer allow us to change the cycle time so that we can detect the motion for regular intervals. Potentiometer.2 Sensitivity adjust It is used to adjust the range. We can set our range for longer to shorter distances using this potentiometer. Retriggering jumper This helps us to switch between two modes one mode provides continuous information about the motion while the other provides us the information for regular intervals. Specifications Wide Working Voltage Range: DC 4.5V- 20V  Current Drain: <60uA  Detection Angle: <140°  Detection Distance: 3 to 7m (can be adjusted)  Blockade time: 2.5s (Default)  Work temperature: -20-+80°C  Hope this article helps you in understanding the motion sensor.  For any queries, the comment section below is always open for you.

Gas sensor

GAS SENSOR Hello geeks in this article I am going to share information about the various gas sensor and also their working principle. There are very interesting phenomena in the working of gas sensor I will share that information with some illustrations in this article. First of all, we get a doubt about what is a gas sensor, why we need it? What is the working principle behind it?  What are the different gas sensor and where do we use them?  Don’t worry, I am going to answer all these questions in this article.  Our first question is very simple to answer a gas sensor is a device that senses the gas around it and gives us the output either in a digital signal for continuous-discrete values as an analog signal. When when we come to the next question of why we need it then the reason is to identify the gas leakage in the home, industries, hotels and they are also used for detecting the alcoholic people. It is used to detect flammable,  toxic gases in petroleum and some other industries. They are also needed in mining areas. External appearance A typical gas sensor consists of a semiconductor material enclosed in a mesh-like material to prevent the contact of unwanted dust particles with the sensitive semiconductor material as shown in the below figure. It consists of six pins they are namely two H pins in the middle and the remaining are pair of A pins on either side and likewise two B pins as shown in the below figure. 2,5 are H pins 1,3 are A pins 6,4 are B pins Now when we come to the pins connected to the module there are four pins and namely, they are 1. Vcc 2. Digital signal pin. 3. Analog signal pin. 4. Ground pin. Working principle : A simple gas sensor is made up of very sensitive semiconductor material and it is SnO2. The conductivity of this material changes the concentration of the gas present around it. Higher the gas content present, the higher is the conductivity of that material. the circuit diagram is very simple to understand and it is like below Voltage is applied to the heater that initiates the semiconductor to work when the voltage across the A and B pins vary according to the gas content due it’s conductivity and it is treated as an output signal. For the better performance, two pairs of A and B pins are used and these pins are interchangeable as the material is simply resistor and it is a bilateral element. Voltage fluctuations at A and B pins act as a signal data line to the microprocessor and help us to draw the outputs.  That is the simple principle behind the working of the gas sensor. Now I will discuss the various gas sensors. There are many gas sensors in the MQ series with names MQxx starting from 2 to 10 and each has its significant use and purpose MQ-2 is for detecting General combustible gas MQ-3 is for detecting the Alcohol. MQ-4 is for detecting Natural gas, Methane MQ-5 is for detecting LPG, Natural gas, Coal gas MQ-6  is for detecting LPG, Propane MQ-7 is for detecting Carbon Monoxide MQ135 is for detecting Air Quality Control   Still, there are many more models present in the market. I think with this article you could understand the principle behind the working of a gas sensor and basics of it. For any queries, the comment box below is always open for you. I will be back with new interesting information once again. Also read:Color sensorsArduino weather station

Color sensor

Color sensor Hello, geeks, We are back with a new interesting article on the color sensor (TCS3200)  and also its working principle. It has a very interesting phenomenon in the working of color sensor I will share that information with some illustrations in this article. First of all, we get a doubt about what is a colour sensor, why we need it? What is the working principle behind color sensor? Don’t worry, I am going to answer all these questions in this article.  Our first question is very simple to answer a color sensor is a device that senses the color of the object present in its vicinity by giving different RGB values.  Every color in this world is made of a combination of red, green and blue colors. The change in the percentage of these three colors leads to different colors. Every color is identified by the percentage of red, green and blue colors present in it. External appearance of color sensor : Now let’s discuss the external look of the color sensor TCS-3200. The module looks as in the below figure with 4 LED lights on the four corners of the device for the greater luminescence. It contains 8 pins to be connected to a microcontroller that I will discuss below. A color sensor consists of an 8×8 array of Photodiodes. Out of which 16 are Red filter photodiodes, 16 are Green filtered photodiodes, 16 are Blue filtered photodiodes and remaining are no filter photodiodes. All these same color photodiodes are connected in parallel for accurate output to the microcontroller. The sensor array looks like below. Working: Now when we come to the working of the TCS3200 it is a programmable color light to frequency converter that contains photodiodes and current to a frequency converter. The output is a square wave with the frequency directly proportional to light intensity. The block diagram looks like TCS3200 contains 8 pins namely they are Vdd, Gnd, OE, S0, S1, S2, S3. The input out pins are given as below and their functions in the third column. TERMINAL NAME     NO. I/O DESCRIPTION GND 4   Power supply ground. All voltages are referenced to GND. OE 3 I Enable for f0 (active low). OUT 6 o Output frequency (f0). SO, S1 1,2 I Output frequency scaling selection inputs. S2, S3 7,8 I Photodiode type selection inputs. Vdd 5   Supply voltage Selectable options:   S0 S1 OUTPUT FREQUENCY SCALING (Qf) L L Power down L H 2% H L 20% H H 100% S2 S3 PHOTODIODE TYPE L L Red L H Blue H L Clear (no filter) H H Green Usually, we use S0-H, S1-L with 20% output frequency scaling. Here below I am leaving the code for the color detection the color can be noted by its RGB values on the Serial monitor. Here are the connections between the TCSP3200 and the Arduino: S0: digital pin 4 S1: digital pin 5 VCC: 5V S3: digital pin 6 S4: digital pin 7 OUT: digital pin 8 Code 1. Reading the output frequency Upload the following code to your Arduino board. Applications of TCS3200  1. In low-level projects for primary identification of objects by color instead of going for image processing.  2. In color sorting machines.  3. In toys for children to learn colors.  Stay tuned on this site. We will be back with interesting articles on various sensors Also read about:8051 microcontroller


STEPPER MOTOR Construction: Stepper Motor is a brushless DC electric motor that is a positioning device. It does not provide continuous rotation instead of rotates in steps that are, one complete rotation is divided into many steps. That’s why the name stepper motor. It is capable of rotating in steps with the applied train of input pulses and make it rotate through a fixed angle every time. Stepper motors are open-loop devices. They don’t require any feedback circuitry. Stepper motor system: Indexers: A microprocessor generating step pulses and directions for the driver. Drivers:   Provides power to the motor to energize windings by converting indexer commands. Stepper motors: converts digital pulses to mechanical shaft rotation. Principle: Stepper motors are provided with electromagnetic teeth like structure arranged on the central Gear shaped piece of iron. An external circuit or a microcontroller can be made use to activate these electromagnetic teeth. To start running off the motor, first and the electromagnet is energized which attracts the teeth of the gear and aligned in one position. again the first one is made de-energized at the same time activating the next electromagnet aligning the teeth to that position. This makes the motor rotate through an angle. The same process is repeated to make one complete rotation that is by energizing the electromagnet each time. This circular arrangement of magnets around the central gear is divided into phases. The angle by which the motor rotates every time is called a step angle. It is given by 360/number of steps. Types of stepper motors: Based on the construction of the rotor there are three types of stepper motors: Permanent magnet stepper Variable reluctance stepper Hybrid synchronous stepper. Permanent magnet stepper motor: The rotor of this is made of a permanent magnet. The stator windings create opposite polarity compared to the poles of the rotor. This the rotation of the rotor is achieved. Variable reluctance stepper motor: here the rotor is a non-magnetized soft iron type having teeth that are offset from the stator. When the stator windings or activated in a particular order rotor moves accordingly. Hybrid synchronous stepper motor: It contains a toothed rotor and toothed stator. The rotor consists of two sections which are of opposite polarity. Generally, we use an eight-pole stator of two-pole types say A and B (that is 4A and 4B). So if we energizepoleA two of them are polarized north and two of them are South. The teeth on the road or aligned accordingly. In the next cycle, we energized poles B. The rotor teeth align accordingly. Does the rotor rotate in steps? Speed torque characteristics:  There are four main types of torques associated with the stepper motor.  Detent torque: When the windings or not energized the motor produces a certain amount of torque which is called detent torque. Holding torque: When the windings or energized but still rotor is stationary the amount of torque required to move the motor through one step is called holding torque.  Pull-in torque: The maximum torque that a stepper motor develops for a given shipping rate without losing synchronism. Pull out torque: The maximum torque that is stepper motor develops for a given stepping rate in a slewing mode without losing synchronism. The motor can start, synchronize and stop or reverse for the load torque ƮL. if the pulse rate is less than S1. The stepping rate can be increased for the same load as the rotor started the rotation and synchronized. Now, for load ƮL1 the stepping rate can be eventually raised or increased up to S2 without losing any sort of synchronism of the motor. If the stepping rate is increased beyond S2, the motor will lose synchronism. Thus, the area between curves 1 and 2 represents the various torque values, the range of stepping rate, which the motors follow without losing the synchronism when it has already been started and synchronized. This is known as Slew Range. The motor will operate in slewing mode. Driving modes and driving circuits: Driving circuits: As we discussed that pulses are converted into mechanical rotatory movements, this is achieved with the help of driving circuits. Driving modes: Wave drive/single-coil excitation: Each time a single coil is activated. Thus the rotor rotates. Full step drive mode: High torque is provided. At every particular instant of time, there are always active coils. But it does not provide many resolutions. Half step drive mode: It is a mixture of the above two drive modes. If one coil is active for the given instant of time we will find two coils energized for the next instant of time and this process repeats. Micro stepping: This micro-stepping technique employs pulse width modulated voltage to control the current in windings. Achieves higher resolution at low speeds. Advantages: Greater torque. Cheaper, available at fewer prices. Long life. Provide standstill torque. Disadvantages: Less efficient As Torque is inversely proportional to speed, torque declines rapidly. No feedback system present to indicate positional steps. Noisy. You can visit sections of 8051 and 8086 for more information.


MOTOR DRIVER INTERFACING WITH ARDUINO A motor driver is an electronic component that uses the principle of H-bridge to control the output voltage and the direction of rotation of the motor. An L298N (motor driver) consists of four output pins, four input pins, three power pins and two pairs of enabling pins as shown in the below figure. L298N pinout The board has a premounted 5V regulator to maintain a constant output voltage of 5V at every output pin. A motor driver is a type of input amplifier. It amplifies the signal that comes from the Arduino and provides at the output because the only microcontroller cannot deliver a full output voltage to run the motor at rated speed.  The power pins are used to powerup the motor driver with an external power source and input pins get information from a microcontroller, in our case that is Arduino, to control the direction of motors. The same configuration applies for L293D also, but the difference comes in them with the pair of enabling pins and power withstanding capacity of L298N. INTERFACING L298N with ARDUINO:- The Arduino interfacing with the L298N is given below. The 12V pin is connected to the positive of the battery. 5V pin of the motor driver is connected to 5V of Arduino. The ground pin of the motor driver is connected to the battery negative and one of the ground pin of Arduino. The four input pins are connected to the digital pins of Arduino as shown in the figure. The four output pins of the motor driver are connected to the terminals of the motor. See that connections are made properly and be careful with the terminals of the battery. See that the ground pin and 12V pin do not touch each other as it will lead to the failure of the battery and L298N module. WORKING EXPLANATION OF L298N Generally, a motor works when there is a potential difference between two of its terminals. This potential difference is created and controlled by the Arduino (microcontroller unit). We know that we can program output voltages in Arduino. Using two digital pins with one as HIGH and one as LOW we are creating a potential difference between the terminals of the motor. One pin of the motor will be in higher potential and others will be in lower potential. If the voltage at terminals is interchanged means HIGH in above is made LOW and LOW is made HIGH then the direction of the motors is reversed. If both the terminals are given as either LOW or HIGH then we can see that there is no potential difference between the terminals therefore the motors won’t run. In this way, we can control the direction of rotation of motors. Arduino program of L298N CONCLUSION Hence here about interfacing of Arduino with motor driver and its working, operations are discussed Also read about Arduino